Museums Around The World Are Sending Each Other Solicited Duck Pics
The strangeness of museums sending each other duck pictures is making many on the internet happy.
mother i'm ready to conquer the world
— The Museum of English Rural Life (@TheMERL) January 4, 2019
hey @britishmuseum give us your best duck
— The Museum of English Rural Life (@TheMERL) January 4, 2019
Can't. They gave them all to us.
— Natural History Museum (@NHM_London) January 4, 2019
next you'll be telling us they gave away all their books too
— The Museum of English Rural Life (@TheMERL) January 4, 2019
Ahem. We still have quite a few
— BL Prints & Drawings (@BL_prints) January 4, 2019
It lays:
— Royal Academy (@royalacademy) January 4, 2019
Bet it's not as fast as our duck, Mallard. *mic drop*
— National Railway Museum (@railwaymuseum) January 7, 2019
Buuut…can your duck float as well @railwaymuseum?
May we present our 1943 GMC DUKW amphibious vehicle:
(We were staying out of the international museum duck hunt since, y'know, our collection is more guns than ducks, but we couldn't let this lie)
— National Army Museum (@NAM_London) January 7, 2019
We're not @britishmusem but here across the pond we have a bird that is quite duck-like!
— J. Paul Getty Museum (@GettyMuseum) January 4, 2019
guys have you even seen a duck
— The Museum of English Rural Life (@TheMERL) January 4, 2019
Better late than never : here's our cutest one!
Duck figurine, Egyptian Antiquities (from -2106 to -1069)
— Musée du Louvre (@MuseeLouvre) January 7, 2019
Hey @TheMerl, here's a quacking duck that's got to be at the top of the bill
It's a cosmetics container made around 1300 BC in ancient Egypt
— British Museum (@britishmuseum) January 4, 2019